Sat, 5 June 2021
As many communities are beginning to open back up and some semblance of “normal” returns, Dan and Rachael check in with each other and have an honest conversation about how they’re doing and what it means to be moving towards wellness. In some ways it feels like we’re engaging a new stage of a process versus a clear ending as the pandemic is very much ongoing in many parts of the world, and for some instead of gaining more energy we’re beginning to process the impact of this past year. So, as Dan and Rachael discuss, how can we be honest with ourselves about expectations, what we’re feeling in our bodies, and how can we move into reopening with intentionality? Listener Resources: Read a blog post “Honoring Our Bodies in the Midst of Embodied Trauma” Listen to a podcast, “Parenting in the Midst of a Pandemic” Listen to a podcast episode with guest Dr. Steve Call, “Connection in Marriage During a Pandemic” |