Sat, 24 September 2016
This week, Dr. Dan Allender wrestles with one of the most common questions we receive at The Allender Center: What should I look for when I am picking a therapist? Dan offers several categories for us to consider as we seek someone to join us in the deep places of heartache and hope in our stories.
Direct download: TAC097_How_to_Pick_a_Therapist_Part_One.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:30am PDT |
Sat, 17 September 2016
This week, Dr. Dan Allender shares all about our first online course, Healing the Wounded Heart, coming later this fall, a series of nine dynamic sessions offering teaching by Dan, interviews with individuals engaging their stories of past harm, journaling prompts, and more. Dan talks about the heart behind this new offering, who it’s intended for, and how we hope it will serve as a companion on the journey to restoration.
Direct download: TAC096_Healing_the_Wounded_Heart_-_A_New_Offering.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:30am PDT |
Sat, 10 September 2016
This week, Dr. Dan Allender concludes a series engaging the sweeping, chaotic, sometimes tragic and sometimes glorious lives of four characters in the Old Testament: Jacob, Joseph, Jeremiah, and Jonah. Dan dives into the story of Jonah, which confronts us with the idea that the same forgiveness we receive is extended even to those who cause harm. Are we bold enough to follow the radical mercy of God?
Direct download: TAC095_The_Four_Js_-_Jonah_the_Self-righteous_Prophet.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:30am PDT |
Sat, 3 September 2016
This week, Dr. Dan Allender continues a series engaging the sweeping, chaotic, sometimes tragic and sometimes glorious stories of four characters in the Old Testament: Jacob, Joseph, Jeremiah, and Jonah. Dan dives into the life of Joseph, a story an epic story full of political intrigue, family division, betrayal, envy, and, ultimately, the bold hope that our own stories might join God’s story of reconciliation and new life.
Direct download: TAC094_The_Four_Js_-_Joseph_the_Humbled_King.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:30am PDT |