The Allender Center Podcast

Picking up their conversation from last week, Dan and Cathy turn their attention to uncovering the roots of conflict in relationships and how we can move towards true connection. Oftentimes conflict arises because we cannot name what we truly need, or we cannot see past our own contempt—ultimately there is something keeping us from seeing the other well. Redemption is possible, but we must be willing to engage our conflict in a way we’ve not experienced before.


Listen to the first episode in this series, “Conflict in Relationships”

Purchase access to the recording of the one-day conference “From Conflict to Connection: A Conference for Couples”

Listen to a podcast that introduces the archetypes of orphan, widow, and stranger: “Calling and Character: Prophet, Priest, King”

Listen to a podcast episode titled “Reconnection in Marriage with Dr. Dan Allender and Dr. Steve Call”

Direct download: TAC325-ConflictConnection2-v1.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:00am PDT

There is no doubt that we are living in a time that heightens levels of conflict and contention in our relationships. Having just finished a one-day conference on this topic, Dr. Dan Allender and Cathy Loerzel talk today on the podcast about their recent, personal experiences with conflict, particularly in this pandemic era. In this season, the ways we engage in and relate to conflict look different. You’ll hear Dan and Cathy talk about the reality of this conflict, what we can learn from our styles of relating in conflict, and how, underneath it all, is a deep-seated war with desire.


Purchase access to the recording of the one-day conference “From Conflict to Connection: A Conference for Couples”

Listen to a podcast episode on “The Reality of Marriage in COVID-19”

Read a blog post by Jay Stringer titled “Good Enough Parenting in a Time of Crisis”

Direct download: TAC324-ConflictConnection1-v1.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:00am PDT

“How is your Sabbath?” As he opens the conversation on this week’s podcast, Dr. Dan Allender invites us to consider this question of ourselves. You’ll hear him and Rachael discuss the particulars of their own Sabbath practices, the wildness and play they each experience, and how Sabbath is not bound to a certain day or strict code of conduct. A true Sabbath is meant to engage both beauty and heartbreak, to stretch us, to grow us, and to show us the places where we long for the Kingdom of God in the here and now. 

Direct download: TAC323-Sabbath2-v1.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:51pm PDT

A “day of delight” is not an easy topic to engage in the midst of this season. Nevertheless, it is a vital practice that is needed more than ever before and, as Dan surmises, is less engaged than at any other time. Listen as Dan and Rachael engage the true meaning of Sabbath, how it is meant to be a taste of the coming Kingdom of God and what we are meant for, and common misconceptions that accompany this day of restoration.

Direct download: TAC322-Sabbath1-v1.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:00am PDT